
Monroe NY News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Test expectations: How many students passed their Mathematics test in Monroe County in 2022-23 school year?

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NY State Education Department Board of Regents Member Dr. Frances Wills | education.wisc.edu

NY State Education Department Board of Regents Member Dr. Frances Wills | education.wisc.edu

Of the 67,226 students in Monroe County who took the 2022-23 Mathematics test, 28.9% met expectations and 13% did better than expected, according to the New York State Education Department.

In total, 41.9% of Monroe County students met or exceeded expectations, marking a 5.2% increase from the previous school year's results.

Within the county, Thornell Road School students performed the best in Mathematics, with 91% of them considered proficient in the subject. Meanwhile, School 39-Andrew J. Townson students fared the worst, with only 2% passing the test.

The state registered an overall proficiency rate of 49.6% of students who met or exceeded expectations.

A recent study by Scholaroo ranked New York's education system among the best in the U.S., and place it as the second best in terms of school quality.

Currently, the state has the highest per-pupil spending in the nation at $33,440, or a total of $84.7 billion annually.

Monroe County County Success Rate in Math and ELA Over 3 Years
Monroe County Students who Met or Exceeded Academic Standards in Mathematics
SchoolStudents who met standards (%)Students who exceed standards (%)Total Enrollment
Thornell Road School51%40%473
Harris Hill Elementary School44%44%427
Scribner Road Elementary School44%42%567
Briarwood School44%41%152
Briarwood School48%36%152
Jefferson Road School51%31%471
Park Road School43%38%419
Allen Creek School36%44%360
Mendon Center Elementary School48%32%646
Manor Intermediate School48%30%607
Cobbles Elementary School43%34%546
Indian Landing Elementary School46%31%542
Barker Road Middle School39%37%686
Brookview School50%26%151
Thornell Road School43%32%473
Monica B. Leary Elementary School48%26%481
Harris Hill Elementary School46%28%427
Iroquois Middle School46%27%410
Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School37%36%470
Johanna Perrin Middle School42%30%592
Scribner Road Elementary School41%30%567
Listwood School45%26%158
Allen Creek School34%36%360
Manor Intermediate School38%32%607
Bay Trail Middle School45%25%1,114
Calkins Road Middle School41%29%639
Brooks Hill School44%26%558
Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School43%26%470
Southlawn School47%21%225
David B. Crane Elementary School44%24%326
Klem Road North Elementary School47%21%538
Northside School42%26%590
Twelve Corners Middle School39%29%781
Terry Taylor Elementary School48%19%428
Jefferson Road School44%23%471
Mendon Center Elementary School38%29%646
Seneca School50%17%169
Listwood School43%23%158
Bay Trail Middle School37%29%1,114
Park Road School40%26%419
Rogers Middle School40%24%447
Fairbanks Road Elementary School52%12%462
Floyd S. Winslow Elementary School36%27%488
Paddy Hill Elementary School43%20%545
Jefferson Avenue School47%16%623
French Road Elementary School45%17%711
Indian Landing Elementary School43%19%542
Mary K. Vollmer Elementary School42%20%681
Brookview School38%24%151
Klem Road South Elementary School43%18%510
Schlegel Road Elementary School40%21%448
Ethel K. Fyle Elementary School40%20%424
Quest Elementary School48%12%457
Henry V. Burger Junior High School37%23%691
Cobbles Elementary School37%23%546
Iroquois Middle School35%25%410
Churchville Elementary School48%11%419
Chestnut Ridge Elementary School49%10%551
Monica B. Leary Elementary School41%18%481
Dake Junior High School35%24%557
Brooks Hill School40%19%558
Northwood Elementary School44%15%738
Emma E. Sherman Elementary School39%20%564
Martha Brown Middle School35%23%662
Village Elementary School47%11%971
Johanna Perrin Middle School41%17%592
Jefferson Avenue School43%15%623
Dake Junior High School32%26%557
Twelve Corners Middle School37%20%781
Florence Brasser School43%13%400
Charles H. Roth Junior High School34%22%531
Churchville-Chili Middle School42%14%1,156
Dewitt Road Elementary School45%11%490
Rogers Middle School37%19%447
Plank Road South Elementary School42%14%586
Southlawn School41%14%225
Paddy Hill Elementary School37%17%545
East Rochester Elementary School45%9%458
Northside School39%15%590
Canal View Elementary School45%8%442
Spry Middle School35%18%883
Paul Road School42%10%429
Mary K. Vollmer Elementary School34%18%681
Leo Bernabi School42%10%375
Plank Road North Elementary School36%15%547
Northwood Elementary School32%19%738
Floyd S. Winslow Elementary School31%20%488
Colebrook School36%15%144
Henry V. Burger Junior High School36%14%691
Craig Hill Elementary School33%16%266
Churchville-Chili Middle School32%17%1,156
French Road Elementary School37%11%711
Fairbanks Road Elementary School33%15%462
Quest Elementary School39%8%457
Willink Middle School34%13%925
Plank Road South Elementary School28%18%586
Klem Road North Elementary School35%11%538
William C. Munn School35%11%342
Colebrook School36%10%144
Klem Road South Elementary School32%13%510
Pine Brook Elementary School32%13%458
Fred W. Hill School39%6%472
School of the Arts29%16%1,067
Emma E. Sherman Elementary School29%16%564
Dewitt Road Elementary School35%10%490
Chestnut Ridge Elementary School30%14%551
Athena Middle School32%12%778
Schlegel Road Elementary School28%16%448
Pine Brook Elementary School34%10%458
David B. Crane Elementary School33%10%326
Charles H. Roth Junior High School31%12%531
Walt Disney School34%8%410
Neil Armstrong School36%6%390
East Rochester Junior-Senior High School30%11%515
School 23-Francis Parker19%22%315
Plank Road North Elementary School29%12%547
A. D. Oliver Middle School31%10%685
Terry Taylor Elementary School36%5%428
State Road Elementary School35%5%508
T. J. Connor Elementary School34%6%327
Barclay Elementary School32%8%448
School 23-Francis Parker22%18%315
Gates-Chili Middle School31%9%854
Churchville Elementary School28%11%419
Canal View Elementary School28%11%442
Brookside Elementary School Campus29%9%385
Village Elementary School30%8%971
Seneca School28%10%169
T. J. Connor Elementary School27%10%327
Florence Brasser School27%10%400
A. D. Oliver Middle School28%9%685
State Road Elementary School32%5%508
Craig Hill Elementary School23%13%266
School of the Arts26%10%1,067
Ethel K. Fyle Elementary School28%8%424
Barclay Elementary School32%4%448
East Rochester Elementary School27%8%458
East Irondequoit Middle School28%7%676
Fred W. Hill School26%9%472
Arcadia Middle School26%9%750
Gates-Chili Middle School26%9%854
Athena Middle School24%10%778
East Rochester Junior-Senior High School26%8%515
Laurelton-Pardee Intermediate School27%6%268
Arcadia Middle School25%8%750
Durand-Eastman Intermediate School26%7%325
East Irondequoit Middle School24%9%676
A. M. Cosgrove Middle School25%8%844
Leo Bernabi School28%5%375
Buckman Heights Elementary School27%4%379
Paul Road School24%7%429
Brookside Elementary School Campus23%7%385
William C. Munn School24%6%342
Olympia High School22%8%1,074
Lakeshore Elementary School26%4%378
Lakeshore Elementary School21%8%378
School 46-Charles Carroll16%13%316
School 46-Charles Carroll23%6%316
Olympia High School22%6%1,074
Longridge School25%3%764
Wheatland-Chili High School21%6%352
Wheatland-Chili High School18%9%352
East Lower School22%5%304
School 53 Montessori Academy20%6%255
School 52-Frank Fowler Dow18%8%317
School 19-Dr Charles T. Lunsford16%10%322
School 19-Dr Charles T. Lunsford19%7%322
Neil Armstrong School21%4%390
School 52-Frank Fowler Dow17%8%317
Walt Disney School22%3%410
School 34-Dr Louis A. Cerulli18%6%399
Longridge School20%4%764
Odyssey Academy20%4%957
East Lower School19%4%304
School 15-Children's School of Rochester15%7%347
School 25-Nathaniel Hawthorne18%3%282
Anna Murray-Douglass Academy15%6%758
School 15-Children's School of Rochester11%9%347
School 34-Dr Louis A. Cerulli19%1%399
Buckman Heights Elementary School17%3%379
Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy18%1%405
Laurelton-Pardee Intermediate School16%2%268
Durand-Eastman Intermediate School15%3%325
Anna Murray-Douglass Academy14%4%758
School 53 Montessori Academy11%6%255
School 28-Henry Hudson15%2%617
School 25-Nathaniel Hawthorne15%2%282
School 22-Lincoln School17%0%486
Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy13%2%405
School 22-Lincoln School14%0%486
School 16-John Walton Spencer12%2%378
School 50-Helen Barrett Montgomery11%3%628
School 28-Henry Hudson13%1%617
Northwest College Preparatory High School11%2%252
Dr. Alice Holloway Young School of Excellence11%2%350
School 7-Virgil Grissom10%3%439
School 5-John Williams10%3%596
Dr. Walter Cooper Academy11%2%336
School 50-Helen Barrett Montgomery11%2%628
School 16-John Walton Spencer11%1%378
Franklin Lower School12%0%268
Monroe Lower School10%2%273
School 42-Abelard Reynolds11%1%456
School 42-Abelard Reynolds8%4%456
School 4-George Mather Forbes9%3%276
School 35-Pinnacle10%2%374
School 7-Virgil Grissom10%2%439
School 58-World of Inquiry School10%2%951
School 54-Flower City Community School12%0%314
School 17-Enrico Fermi9%2%644
School 35-Pinnacle9%2%374
School 8-Roberto Clemente10%0%466
School 8-Roberto Clemente7%3%466
School 33-John James Audubon8%2%964
Dr. Walter Cooper Academy9%1%336
School 54-Flower City Community School9%1%314
School 58-World of Inquiry School8%1%951
Monroe Lower School9%0%273
School 2-Clara Barton8%1%328
School 5-John Williams8%1%596
School 45-Mary Mcleod Bethune8%0%519
Northwest College Preparatory High School6%2%252
School 33-John James Audubon7%1%964
School 2-Clara Barton6%1%328
School 9-Dr Martin Luther King Junior6%1%622
School 9-Dr Martin Luther King Junior5%2%622
Dr. Alice Holloway Young School of Excellence7%0%350
Franklin Lower School6%0%268
School 39-Andrew J. Townson5%1%369
School 45-Mary Mcleod Bethune6%0%519
School 4-George Mather Forbes5%0%276
Rise Community School4%1%338
School 29-Adlai E. Stevenson4%0%260
School 17-Enrico Fermi4%0%644
School 29-Adlai E. Stevenson3%0%260
Rise Community School3%0%338
School 39-Andrew J. Townson2%0%369


Brookside Elementary School CampusDavid B. Crane Elementary SchoolEast Rochester Junior Senior High SchoolListwood SchoolSeneca SchoolAthena Middle SchoolNew York State Education DepartmentLongridge SchoolLaurelton Pardee Intermediate SchoolMartha Brown Middle SchoolCraig Hill Elementary SchoolSchool of the ArtsSchool 58 World of Inquiry SchoolMonica B. Leary Elementary SchoolEthel K. Fyle Elementary SchoolNorthwood Elementary SchoolCanal View Elementary SchoolBriarwood SchoolEast Irondequoit Middle SchoolSchool 25 Nathaniel HawthorneSchool 16 John Walton SpencerFlorence Brasser SchoolPaul Road SchoolDr Walter Cooper AcademySchool 45 Mary McLeod BethuneSchool 28 Henry HudsonA.m. Cosgrove Middle SchoolAllen Creek SchoolMary K. Vollmer Elementary SchoolSchool 46 Charles CarrollFairbanks Road Elementary SchoolEast Rochester Elementary SchoolSchool 4 George Mather ForbesPaddy Hill Elementary SchoolWilliam C. Munn SchoolScribner Road Elementary SchoolPlank Road South Elementary SchoolOdyssey AcademyFranklin Lower SchoolKlem Road North Elementary SchoolJefferson Road SchoolBarker Road Middle SchoolHoneoye Falls Lima Middle SchoolSpry Middle SchoolWheatland Chili High SchoolWalt Disney SchoolBrookview SchoolSchool 39 Andrew J. TownsonNeil Armstrong SchoolMonroe Lower SchoolDurand-Eastman Intermediate High SchoolTwelve Corners Middle SchoolArcadia Middle SchoolSchool 29 Adlai E. StevensonSchool 7 Virgil GrissomPlank Road North Elementary SchoolSouthlawn SchoolNorthwest College Preparatory High SchoolMendon Center Elementary SchoolLeo Bernabi SchoolBay Trail Middle SchoolChestnut Ridge Elementary SchoolIroquois Middle SchoolSchool 5 John WilliamsSchool 33 AudubonIndian Landing Elementary SchoolDr. Alice Holloway Young School of ExcellenceNorthside SchoolSchool 52 Frank Fowler DowRogers Middle SchoolLakeshore Elementary SchoolEmma E. Sherman Elementary SchoolGates Chili Middle SchoolColebrook SchoolVillage Elementary SchoolSchool 22 Lincoln SchoolFrench Road Elementary SchoolSchool 35 PinnacleFred W. Hill SchoolSchool 2 Clara BartonSchool 17 Enrico FermiBrooks Hill SchoolSchool 53 Montessori AcademyChurchville Elementary SchoolEast Lower SchoolHenry V. Burger Junior High SchoolCalkins Road Middle SchoolJoseph C. Wilson Foundation AcademyPine Brook Elementary SchoolKlem Road South Elementary SchoolDake Junior High SchoolSchool 8 Roberto ClementeHarris Hill Elementary SchoolThornell Road SchoolBarclay Elementary SchoolA.d. Oliver Middle SchoolSchool 23 Francis ParkerSchlegel Road Elementary SchoolSchool 42 Abelard ReynoldsBuckman Heights Elementary SchoolSchool 54 Flower City Community SchoolAnna Murray-Douglass AcademyTerry Taylor Elementary SchoolJefferson Avenue SchoolSchool 50 Helen Barrett MontgomeryT.j. Connor Elementary SchoolCharles H. Roth Junior High SchoolWillink Middle SchoolSchool 34 Dr Louis A. CerulliChurchville Chili Middle School 5 8Park Road SchoolQuest Elementary SchoolState Road Elementary SchoolRise Community SchoolFloyd S. Winslow Elementary SchoolJohanna Perrin Middle SchoolSchool 15 Children S School Of RochesterManor Intermediate SchoolOlympia High SchoolSchool 9 Dr Martin Luther King JuniorSchool 19 Dr Charles T. LunsfordDewitt Road Elementary SchoolCobbles Elementary School


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